It was so good to be back in the saddle. I have really enjoyed my time with Major walking the road, eating grass and relaxing, but the trails were calling. I had lunged him and he was sound, also rode him in the arena, no problem. So we went for a small forest ride, took the SO who was hiking to keep us from getting caught up and going too far or fast.
The fog had come back, though not as bad as before, and at least the trails were pretty dry. We mostly walked, some trotting, with plenty of go and no missteps. I did allow Major one canter up a gradual uphill, he really enjoyed that until he swerved to take a different trail home...I stayed on and Major had to keep going (to his disappointment). He might sometimes be a jerk, but after all the worrying about him, I'm OK with that! (I'm sure that will come back to haunt me!)
We'll gradually build back up. I know a horse in good shape loses condition far slower than an equivalent human, but it's still winter and we have plenty of time and trails to explore. I will say that I never see photos of myself riding...and with SO there he took a few. Ignoring my lazy equitation since I was just trying to keep Major from eating: Bright orange jacket (I love the jacket), black and tan tights, dirty tan chaps, blue gloves, tennis shoes...what a bad fashion statement I am. At least my jacket matched Major's orange Renegade boots. I hinted that new black ariat terrain chaps would be a good Valentine's gift...
On a completely separate side note I finally had a fecal done. The vet's office called back to say that Major wasn't shedding any parasites. I was in a hurry out the door and didn't get a chance to ask details. I'll go back over my notes I made at a worming seminar I attended last summer. I like not putting chemicals in my horse if I don't have to, and not contributing to the increase in parasite resistance.
Finn Park with Sandy
3 days ago