If there is anyone still out there, I'm sorry for my extended absence! I can't seem to get back in the writing groove. While Miles is coming along I fear that I lost something more of myself when Major died. I can't even put it in words, but I'm trying to push past it and get out on the trails, and remind myself to write about it!
amazing clouds along the river
low river at Avery Pond
hiking down from Cool
obligatory No Hands bridge photo!
This summer we had some really nice, even quite long, trail rides. Miles has NO problem with 16 miles Auburn to Cool, though we are not traveling quickly. He loves getting in the trailer, and has not put a foot wrong when we're out on an adventure. We drove into Hidden Falls and there were hundreds of goats next to the parking. I thought "oh crap, this should be fun." Miles unloaded, looked at the goats, and went to his haybag, "Whatever, there are snacks here."
hundreds of goats? no big deal.
Hidden Falls bridge
our buddy S and Rocky behind us on a ride
Home is another story, still! He is stupidly barn sour, and at some random point on a ride in the local forest decides "now" we've turned for home and gets stupid. We work on turning the other way, sidepassing, backing, one-rein-stops, big whoas, taking a different trail, etc. We also come home and ride in the arena, make him wait and not get put away after a ride, etc, but it is a serious work in progress. And he is super smart at figuring things out, but this one is a battle. If I can't ride consistently (there was a time in September when it was too hot, then smoky, for almost three weeks) it is back to square one.
huge new house along the trail
Beeks overlook view
But yesterday we had a nice five mile ride. And coming back he was stupid again, sigh. So I tried all the things and something clicked, we walked part of the way home very nicely! I did want to see if he tried a trot for a few steps, then walk, then repeat if that would help his anxiety. But instead he was a pogo stick and I decided walking was in my best interest to stay in the saddle!
last ride in daylight after work
waiting, not patiently…
So my update is nothing exciting, and maybe that is part of my reluctance. How many times can I write about training rides? But we also have been hiking, as when I'm not in the mood for shenanigans (I'm sometimes just too burned out after work to deal with one more thing) we take a jaunt into the forest. Lots to see and explore. Last week was a flapping turkey with (what appeared to be) a broken leg. Sadly I'm sure he became coyote food that night. Now there are some puddles from recent rain, a challenge at first but then he was reminded of his manners and marched through.
fish toy fun!
arena trot
We have also been spending time in the arena, some riding, but mostly some obstacle stuff. He doesn't need to be ridden five days a week, but he needs work to keep his mind busy. He is very smart and in one lesson each learned to pick up the cone (for a treat), pick up the fishy inflatable (for a treat), stand on the manhole cover (for a treat) and put your foot on the big rock (for a treat.) Sensing a pattern here? Yes, he likes treats! I'm really hoping to get a book on trick training, any suggestions?
My least favorite season has arrived. Darkness is descending, and riding after work gets much harder. But I'll keep on trying, and trying to write about it as well. Maybe I'll at least try for a photo a week, proof of life! On the home front Wesley is just so much fun, our latest game is chase and hide. When all the fun is done he reminds me that when things are hard a cat in your lap makes the world a better place.
watching for lizards
just chillin' on my concrete leaf
watching Wesley TV