quiet staging area
I love that the official map says "approx. 5 miles"
Maybe it is not a good sign when you fall off before you even start your ride?
Luckily, I only fell off the rock I was using for mounting (note to self: check to see if rock is stable first!), teetered around a bit then fell on my ass, but didn't let go of the reins! Major just looked at me. Why must I be so embarrassing to him…
oak woodland starting off was pretty
Luckily the day did not get any worse, and we were off on a new-to-me trial, Acorn Creek. This is exactly opposite the lake from where I usually ride, but heading upriver.
This trail connects to Cronan Ranch, where I have ridden before, by using the South Fork American River trail. This is all on BLM land, so open to all users. The trailhead was empty on a mid-week day (I took a day off so I could ride in the relative peace and quiet, and sun!)
of fun, rocks!
The trail started off through oak woodland with informative plant identification signs (I learned the shrub that is everywhere is native Buckbrush, a type of Ceanothus which is why it smells so awful when it flowers!). Then the trail started up a very rocky hill. We went up and up, then leveled off, just basic up and downs, for the next 6 miles.
a bit boring
One of the few view places
I liked this open oak bit
I thought I'd have epic views of the canyon and river, but most was obscured by tall bushes, I could see over sometimes (not an interesting trail to hike on foot, you'd barely see anything!). Some areas were steep cliffs with views of rapids far below, but there was a lovely section that went away from the river and wove through oak woodland that was gorgeous.
The few bikes were met were very nice, though one did come around a corner very fast. Luckily Major has no concern for bikes, but the guy sure looked like he spooked seeing a horse there!
getting closer to the river
lovely picnic spot
I am done with this resting break…
You can keep riding this into Cronan ranch, and go pretty far, but we stopped at a river picnic spot as our turn around spot. I wanted to relax and eat my PB&J, Major just wanted to go back to the trailer. We compromised, which means he ate half my sandwich so I was finished quicker, sigh…
heading home
and more of the same
dry creek bed
As an out and back this trail was not the most interesting. Maybe more fun with a friend, or after more rain (all creek were so dry, and I'm sure they'll be wildflowers later in spring). But it was still fun to explore somewhere new, and next time I know to look for a better mounting rock to stand on…
dated sign in the middle of nowhere: Schwartznegger was The Governator in 2003–2011!
welcome trailer snack