Rocky, Ranger and Miles
This fall was glorious. We had great weather, shirt-sleeve warm days, blue skies and got quite a bit of riding in. I think the spring and summer work I'd done with Miles on listening, not rushing and just generally behaving himself at different speeds really paid off!
Old rock wall
lake drinking, good boy!
rock poser
I went on a ride in Auburn with S and her horse Beau. Beau loves Miles. Miles doesn't care too much about Beau, unless he's in front and going faster! But Beau is much less reactive in front, so Miles and I had to deal with it. And he did really good. We even did some cantering behind AND going home and survived!
gratuitous No Hands Bridge picture
We also fit in a ride up to Empire Mine, where the fall colors were on display (no fall colors really at our standard elevation). The fine gravel footing is just so nice there, until I crossed to the other side. The recent rains which has nicely dampened the gravel trails had turned these trails into slippery clay. But Miles seemed content to tolerate going slowly.
some fall colors
are we there yet?
I also found a "new" trail. One day when we were just exploring in the forest I took the old Sacrifice Rock trail, and where it usually ended, it looks like some mountain bikers extended it! The next couple rides I trimmed up bushes and trees to horse accessibility, Miles has learned quite well to stand while I'm snapping branches and flinging them aside, even while I'm on him!
fall ladybug swarm
Oregon Bar epic view
Beeks Bight incoming clouds
Now the cold and damp is upon us. There were a couple weeks of lots of rain, and not enough riding, and Miles is a bit feral. We set off to do a nice loop ride, and coming home his brain fell out. It was also slippery so I decided there was less risk on just walking for a bit!
nice? |
A couple other slightly-naughty rides and then a long, hard ride in Auburn (sporting a holiday browband!) did manage to bring Miles back to being a good boy. Though on our last walk he was dancing and prancing and when let into the pasture went careening around. Oh boy! Do I really want to ride this creature?
view with embarrassing browband decoration
cooling off after our ride
It'll probably be a quiet season for riding, as we're getting another week of rain next week. But the solstice is Saturday and the light will be returning for evening rides and just more lovely daylight. Until then may all people, pets and ponies stay cozy and warm. Happy solstice, Christmas and new year!
kitty see, kitty do
naughty Geordie
nice Wesley