Miles is eight years old! We celebrated in the usual fashion, carrots and a birthday hat. But not eight whole carrots, he's watching his figure…
birthday tiara
are we done yet?
happy birthday Miles!
I’m not sure where my time goes now to write. It didn’t go to riding this spring for sure! We had a wet winter (yeah for the earth, bad for riding). Almost every weekend it rained, and when it didn’t the trails were too wet. So there are only a few riding options that we took advantage of this winter/early spring.
mud puddle
shared cooler now
The Auburn Dam site has some graveled roads that remain decent in the winter. But they do get a bit boring, so better with friends! S and Rocky are doing great, even when I take them on a trail I don’t think twice about but is a bit adventurous (going down the Cardiac Hill, rocky, steep, switchback, singletrack)! I also went to Hidden Falls, they close the trails when it’s too wet so I assumed if the trails were open they were good, right? They were super slippery! But we just slowed it down and had fun anyway.
he's really not crabby, just has the ears!
view from Oregon Bar
old homestead wall
snack priorities |
dam road downstream view
Hidden Falls slippery!
The lake trail was wet and went underwater early this year with all the rain. The forest trails were just a mess, and I made the mistake of going out a couple times I’d think they were ok only to slop through wet, slippery mud and regret my choices.
last time i saw "my" rock this year
lake mud
fern mud
When I could get out from home Miles was really improving his barn sour naughtiness. Then I was gone for 10 days (Hawaii vacation, no complaints there!), and before that he had a week off from a hoof abscess/bad weather. I came home to a horse who thought this was the good life: pasture with friends, treats from the stable owners, and that’s it, right?
getting green (now easily a foot taller!)
spring blooming
lost a boot (found it next ride!)
The first ride back I assumed he’d remember things, but he did not, and much jigging and spinning and me getting off and walking because I just couldn’t any more. Then we did a training ride, out and back and around and about and out and back again. The third ride was much improved!
nosy |
saddle selection!
I also haven’t felt the most secure in my Freeform saddle. I think it is a mental block because I’ve ridden out some pretty good shenanigans in it! But it also has no twist and bugs my hip a bit on long rides. So I finally got a saddle fitter out. She has an impressive array of so many different kinds and brands of saddles. First she tried them on Miles to see what she thought fit him. Then I tried them just on the stand. And third we put the package together. I sat in about 12 and rode in I think eight or nine saddles. I’m glad she took notes of my preferences because my head was spinning with the variety. I ended up with a Frank Baines Enduro on trial. Two rides so far and we both seem to like it, fingers crossed for continuing that trend!
lake trail underwater
lack of lupine
The grass is green and lush and overgrowing all the trails. The lower lake trail is underwater and it is dud of a lupine year. The rattlesnakes are also already out in abundance. But I’m gearing up for riding more, some camping is planned, and hopefully updating this blog a bit more (though I think I said that last time…).
Wesley claimed this pad so of course I couldn't wash it that day.