If a rider falls in the forest where no one can see, does she still make a sound?
I'd say yes. A big thump as I hit the ground, more annoyed with myself than anything.
Of course, it had been a great ride. Tried the newly revised trail to Avery Pond. Beautiful new trail, wide and not steep and scary like the old one (though I'll miss the old trail, I loved the view and amazing cathedral rocks). Spots where you can trot and canter. Nice wide bridges. We'd had a great trip, lots of controlled trotting, nice canters. It was hot, but we're acclimating OK. It helps that I like the heat, so over 90 is ok (plus almost no humidity). At Avery Pond took a little break, sponged off, though with nothing good to eat, Major would rather head home.

Heading home was great, not too much fighting. Stopped at Rattlesnake Bar for a drink and cool off. I didn't get off, just thought I'd sponge him, move on. Let me preface this by saying I had practiced. I really had! The sponge had been thrown off the horse, dragged and around his legs, wet and dry, into the water bucket, he had just been sponged at Avery Pond too! But at Rattlesnake Bar, the sponge turned into an alligator! At Avery Pond, not a problem. One mile later, an alligator! A spin, "oh, it's chasing me!" and I'm on the ground. Not in the water, on the hard bank, looking up at my horse. I sat up quickly in case he had ideas on stepping on me, but all was well. The alligator lay there, dead on the shore, no threat anymore.
Completely annoyed at myself, if I'd taken the time to get off it probably would have been fine, but honestly thought I'd practiced it enough. Would have been nice to land in the water not the dirt, but I brushed myself off and walked about a mile to make sure all parts were in working order. Got back on, rode pretty conservatively going home, I was a bit stiff.
First fall from Major, it had to happen. All will be well with some Advil and ice. And some more practice sponging...