And white patches! F***! (Sorry for the language, but arrggh!) Two "roan" patches on each side behind his withers. It looks like they correspond with the stirrup bars (though wider).

He had tiny marks in the same spot with my Wintec, but they faded away with the new saddle. Which is obviously not fitting. These marks mean the saddle damaged the skin last year...

Where to from here? I had already ordered some nice dense impact inserts from Action Rider Tack, but if the saddle is too tight that does not help. I have a ride planned for this weekend and will try the new inserts. If he is sore after, or there are dry patches, I don't see how we can do the upcoming ride. Ill-fitting saddle + first 25 mile endurance ride = pull. And more importantly, long-term back/saddle issues for Major.
I was actually starting to look forward to it, and not just in terrified panic. Can I repeat "F***"!!!! Saddle fitting is so hard, and this one had checked out by the saddle fitter, and I love it too. What to do?!?!
That blows, believe me, I am currently kicking myself as Rose sheds out and I see the tell-tale roan patches coming in from last year's saddle. Rose's saddle got too tight in the shoulders. I knew it was and when she started getting dry patches and trying to bite me for scratching her shoulders I broke down and saved up my pennies for a new saddle. We had a saddle custom made for her, Synergist, which can be re-shaped whenever she changes shape. The difference is noticeable but the white hairs still point out to me every day that I hurt my pony without even knowing it. Now if he's going well and not trying to kill you at the sight of the saddle he might be fine for a 25. I'm not saying ride the full season but hell, my last ride of the season last year was when I knew the saddle sucked but knew she'd go and that I was already saving money for the saddle. Some would tell me what I did was not right... but we did just fine and now we're reworking the atrophy. Also... didn't ride her for a while once I declared the saddle not right and started the fit process for the new one.
ReplyDeleteIf it's too tight all the shims in the world won't help. You can try re-arranging them to offer a low spot where the pressure is to help keep that off a bit but I have no idea how to deal with stirrup bar issues. Any way to modify? Palpate his back and look for any indication of soreness. Hell, ride him till he works up a good sweat, pull the saddle, and for the next 24 hours palpate the back looking for bruising (slight unusual puffiness in the skin). Saddle fitting sucks... we all deal with it, more so than most riders, because we ask our horses to do more than most. Let us know what you try.
PS... sorry if I rambled.
Thanks for the rambling! It helps to know others deal with it to (I know that but still). I hurt my horse! I hate that. He goes fine, never objects to the saddle. He was sore the last ride but not in the same spot, do frustrating! I'm going to try the longer ride and see how it goes this weekend. I know shims don't really help an ill fitting saddle, but I will see if these new inserts (which are complete pad inserts) will help distribute pressure better. I hate using my horse as a guinea pig, but saddle fitting is an art, not a science (I much prefer science!)
DeleteThanks for your comments, quite true that as endurance riders (well, not yet, hopefully) we are pushing limits on many things. Stay tuned...
You'll get it... never fear. Sometimes it just takes while but once you do, oh buddy, watch you fly! =)
DeleteAnd as my biggest BBBDR competitor I had thought you already were an endurance rider. Seriously. When is your first 25 again? Your so gonna pass me when you start doing that.
My first 25 is in 2 weeks (hopefully!) On BBBDR no way I can catch up with you doing 50s. Maybe next year! I wish more people were entering their mileage, or maybe not, is there a prize for second place? 8-)
ReplyDeleteAh, doing 50s but also am trying to have a life outside of horses with traveling to see family and just having started a new relationship. You ride more consistently than I do, better for the horse. Rose gets high mileage but that's because I ride the snot out of her once the saddle is up. During the work week I work from sun up to sun down... and then some. You may still pass me.
DeleteIn the summer it'll be easier, but right now it's just a ride one weekday evening and a weekend day. It's certainly a challenge to balance, I have a supportive boyfriend, a cool boss and daylight savings! Good luck!
DeleteAre we friends on facebook? if not we should be.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't do Facebook (I know, how could I?!) I'm on a computer all day doing design/web/social media, I stay out of it in my personal life (except the blog). Maybe one day Major will have a page!
DeleteWell damn, that sucks! Wish I had some great advice but Caitlin knows more about saddle fitting Arabs than I do! :)
ReplyDeleteI think saddle fitting any horse is a mystery! Some Arabs are stocky and wide, Major is lean with withers. If you have a saddle that fits, be grateful!
DeleteThat sucks. I went through the fit thing with Blaze last year and it made me end my season in August because I didn't want to cause further issues with his back. My panel saddle started leaving marks and ruffed hair and he got snarly about his back. I tried adjusting the panels and new saddle pads and the saddle just wasn't the thing for him anymore. I too rode him at a ride with a different saddle, but when we had the fit issue, and wondered if I should have..but he was fine and finished with all As and in 2nd place. He then had 5 months off while I saved for my Specialized, winter came, etc. Now he is back in light work with the Specialized and isn't crabby about his back so fingers crossed things go well from here on...LOVE that the Specialized can be refitted by you, at any time, as the body changes. Worth every penny for that feature, in my opinion..
ReplyDeleteGot on the rambling train here...good luck
Good to hear success stories. Specialized saddles can be great, when I had saddle fitting done they fit Major, but they really don't fit me 8-( Major just keep plowing along, no complaints, I almost wish he'd be the type to complain!
DeleteI think he knows my tax return will be about the price of a saddle...
I'm intrigued, do you mind telling me why they didn't fit you??
DeleteI like a very narrow twist, and the Specialized really tweaked my hip. I have a bad hip from an injury, so I'm worse than usual probably. I know Endurance Granny also really did not like hers, but I have friends who love them too. Like any saddle, I think they just fit certain people (and horses) better.
DeleteHmm, interesting. Did you try different models or just one? Sorry to keep pressing, just find it interesting.
DeleteI tried 2 different ones (not interested in the giant western model) The saddle fitters I use carry a whole trailer full of saddles (more than 50 types at least) and also suspected I wouldn't like it (they said that after the fact to not sway me) just based on the other saddles I've had and liked. I knew I had a saddle that worked when I felt balanced and comfortable at all gaits, now it looks like I'll need to keep looking. Damn!
DeleteI'm sure if you asked around you'd find other poeple who didn't like the Specialized. And others who tried and didn't like my Arabian Saddle Solstice, or the Stonewall, or Bob Marshall, etc. But then others LOVE them. Such a personal preference.
Oh for sure, I know plenty of people that didn't like the Specialized for one reason or another. I was just curious. Cool to have a saddle fitter like that
DeleteOh no! Saddle fitting issues right before your ride:(
ReplyDeleteI tried a specialized and did not like it. At all. I sold it very shortly after buying since it put me so off balance and was uncomfortable for me.
I know! The new padding seems to help for now, I'll see during the ride. But I'll have the saddle evaluated but I think I'll be looking for a new one.
DeletePeople either love or hate the Specialized. I like the idea, bug not for me. I have a few leads, I hate shopping already, saddle shopping is the worst.