windblown and scattered
I've been feeling a bit scattered, which is why it is the middle of March and I haven't even written! I was thinking "well, I haven't done much", then I looked back on my photos. And while I am not going to go into too many details, there have been some good (and not so good) rides, the photos can mostly speak for themselves!
didn't even care about snow
snow + mud + silly horses = walking
I had fun training ride with friend S up on Gorman Ranch road in Foresthill. This is near (and a small part of) the Tevis trail, often used for training. We were not expecting all the snow, but luckily we go down to the river and only the first half mile at the top was snowy! Both horses were good, until they became competitive jerks and we got to work on walking and listening. Oh boy, still silly after 15 miles and a big hill climb…
take the bypass down, quite nice
weirdly overexposed but I liked it!
I had a good ride in Auburn near the dam site, and two days later a ride in the forest where he was just so full of it and could. not. walk. but thought slip-and-slide in the wet forest was a good option. It was not. We had much disagreement, and came home not happy. The next day I just took a day off from riding and Major had a spa day with grooming and grass. We needed a reset. Our next ride and since have been fine. I guess we all have "those" days…
spicy ridiculous on this day
annoyed at Beau splashing in his river
following Beau, annoyed although we had led UP the hill…
I've been helping friend S by riding with her as she puts some miles and training on her hopeful Tevis horse, Beau. Major is very annoyed at his antics, and wonders why Beau can't just settle down, and then they get into a speed war. They're good and bad together, so it is training for us both! We had a nice time and luckily only got a flat tire right as we were getting home.
got to practice changing my tire, drive-on trailer jack (not shown here) was great!
And our home trails are really green! The buckeye trees are neon, the ferns bursting, the moss like a green sponge, and I've seen a few early wildflowers.
green explosion
I have to ride under this death tree, cracked branch is bigger around than me
With daylight saving time this Sunday, I'm looking forward to more rides after work, but I have tried to take the time some nights just to sit and listen to Major eat and watch the sunset. A good reset.
sunset haybag
chance for scattered clouds…