
Thursday, July 27, 2023

saddle fitting

My saddle fitting saga continues. Originally I had Miles in the Solstice I used for Major (which I love, love love!), but it left white marks under the stirrup bars. Too narrow on meaty shoulders? I had it reflocked…and he hated it even more!

So I tried my old standby Wintec 2000. I put in the widest gullet…nope, too pinchy on wide shouldered Miles. Wintec endurance same problem, and also too long. 

How about my almost new Freeform dressage? Miles likes it, I hate it, feels like I'm perched. And I don't even have the added panels installed.

what saddle will work?

I had liked the standard Freeform I tried a long time ago so I found an inexpensive one to try. A few times around the arena, felt semi-secure (though I'm really missing some knee rolls), so let's hit the trail! Once I got used to the treeless thing (I think I had to re-learn how to ride!) it was OK. Not great, but OK. I've been using it for about six months. But Miles didn't seem to like it. Didn't move out very well, sometimes a sore back. And this is with a couple different tests of good treeless saddle pads.

Five saddles and three nice saddle pads…one horse
I'd exhausted my saddle collection (please don't count, yes, that is one horse and five saddles) so I had an independent saddle fitter out. She suggested a hoop tree (and losing weight, which Miles is working on through diet and more riding which I can't do without a saddle that fits, arghh!). I tried an Ideal saddle, super comfy, but would rather not order a new one (used are hard to find) until we get in a little better shape at least. I borrowed a Duett Tempo, size 34, from the local used saddle shop. (Of course I used to have a Duett Tango 38 for Q, the mare I leased, and I sold it, it's all quite comical).

Ideal TT saddle seemed very nice

The 34 was too small but saddle fitter noted that she had a used Duett Rondo 36 that she had not brought that time, that I could trial. She delivered it the next week and evaluated it on Miles. It seems to fit pretty good. Wrong color, I don't love the short billets and wish it had a longer leg panel. But if it fits him I decided to see if I can figure it out! I did have to go buy a longer girth (love the used tack shop!).

how cute am i?

chunky monkey in the Duett Rondo

It's been three rides, longest of eight miles, with some good hills, cantering, etc. While I don't love it, it is fine, and Miles seems to be pretty enthusiastic and happy with it. Since I now have my sheepskin cover on it and my pommel bags attached it seems suitable for now. 

I still think I'll look into the Solstice extra wide, at least just to try! But I think I need to sell a few saddles first…

The rest of my tack I'm happy with. Love the snap-on bridle, reflective rope halter, beta grip reins and the padded breast collar. And I finally got Miles his own pair of sparkly boots!

sparkly new copper boots (old Freeform on him here)
But I needed to go through all my old boots. Once all in one place…oh my, I never throw anything out! A few pieces were beyond repair. Most are just worn, though some are more serviceable than others. I'm thinking about offering the used ones up for giveaway, just pay shipping, on some Facebook groups, but then that seems like work too. Maybe when it gets cooler and I don't want to ride and the garage is not 110 degrees.

Anyone else have any saddle suggestion to look into? I like the idea of Reactor Panel but it's an entirely different system and seems complicated. I'd like to stick with more dressage-style, the longer leg is better for long rides, and I know that I am not a fan of Specialized. Other than that, there is too much info out there and a million opinions! While Miles works on losing weight I'll keep doing my reaseach just in case…

my supervisor



  1. I went through the same situation with my chunky mustang. Four saddles, no solution until I tried a Reactor Panel.... sadly for my wallet, we both loved it. I ended up ordering a custom Heraldic and I love it. My guy also tends to change shape throughout the season, so I love how easy it is to refit it. The virtual fitting sessions are super effective, and I feel like I can fiddle around on my own and do pretty well.

  2. Miles is looking great. No help from me, saddle fitting is a nightmare. Both times I gave up and went custom. Never regretted it aside from the cost. The piece of mind is priceless.

  3. I liked my Stonewall the best of any. Your boy looks good!
