
Friday, July 31, 2020

keeping on

Well, July.

Yeah, there's been some riding. Hiking, Kayaking. Not much inspiration.

California is "winning" in Covid. Oh boy!

distracted skywriter? Not a heart, or a circle, huh?

How about some pretty pictures to distract us?

I did a longer ride at Hidden Falls, a regional park. The trails are incredible well marked, and clear from trees to duck around, but I find them oddly boring. When we arrived they were moving a huge herd of sheep across the access road to the area right behind our trailer, Major took a look but then realized his hay bag was full of alfalfa!

hordes of sheep, oh look, alfalfa!

red dirt, blue skies

Looking down from the Seven Pools lookout

Other than that my rides have stayed local. Soaring Covid cases make me completely reluctant to go anywhere with shared facilities. Luckily there are the lake and forest trails right out of the stable.

thought it would be cooler at the lake at 8:30am, I was wrong!

Major did not appreciate my need to take a photo of the little tree island

lake trail from above

evening forest rides are best

golden trails

But Major has been super itchy this year! The flies do not seem any worse, but overnight he itched his face raw. I think he just wanted to have more chrome (the silver wound spray). I tried different ointments and salves, finally found one, so he is healing better.

Adding Chrome doesn't work like that Major

Major and buddy Beau help each other out

On the home front there have been many books read (though I did read another end-of-the-world book, I need to stop it now because they are NOT helpful right now), some kayaking, and a bit of hiking (before I tweaked my ankle, now resting it). The next two weeks are 95 degrees plus, so went to Tractor Supply and got a water trough plunge pool (thanks to C for the fancier name!)

lupines when kayaking

awesome juvenile skink

Avery pond from the "no horses" side, never hiked there till now!

new fancy "plunge pool" ready for use

Hoping August brings me a bit less anxiety and more fun trail adventures, but even if I stay home with my book and iced tea, at least the cat is content!

Here, I've saved you a spot

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you as numbers soar out there. So scary to see.

    That lake shore trail has got to be one of my favorite places I see online. Glad you're getting to enjoy that at least.

    And I love the lizard with the blue tail. So cool!
