
Monday, April 27, 2020

monday moment: vintage

While organizing my feed storage space, I re-found this old wallboard panel in the garage. When remodeling my house we cut this out and saved it, because how epic is this bucking horse and cowboy paper?

vintage wallpaper

I love the details: bucking horse, roping a calf, wrestling a steer, some branding marks, riding the bronco, even a fancy sheriff star.

love this bronco detail

This was behind 70s paneling, in a closet, behind an installed dresser. That part of my house was built in the late 1930s, but this looks more like 50s maybe? I’d like to meet the kid who had this in their room…

my favorite detail


  1. I admire the hand crafts that you do in addition to a full time job and a full time horse: )

    1. I need a hands-on creative project most of the time, so I invent things. I’m putting together another diy creative post for later this week!
