
Thursday, July 13, 2017


The same trails. The same trees. The same easy-access staging area. It was all getting a bit dull. But it was too hot to trailer far, I wanted to start early!

pretty, but boring

different day, same staging area

So time for a new perspective…I put it in reverse! I trailered to the usual staging area, and decided to just ride home from there (and my trailer would be driven home by S.O., awesome!). We are very lucky to have such an amazing trail system. Major thought he was in heaven! He always wanted to head home from these trails, but I had been too focused on elevation and distance, to just have a fun ride.

barrel trail: Major didn't care at all

giant piles of leftover gravel
Stu the Dog's trail!

Hidden water trough: lovely water, Major disdains
First I wandered up and down the hills a bit, just to get some elevation training (since it's all downhill going home). I finally rode down the strange hanging barrels trail, Major didn't care at all. We waded into the water, then stormed back up the hill…and towards home. Major couldn't contain his excitement, 'You mean we really are going home, not fooling me and turning around soon?" Nope, let's go!"

A little river play time
then back up the canyon and back down towards home

While it might be steep cliffs for a bit, it is what we're used to. So no worries as we trot along. It was a great, different look at the same trail. Panoramas opened up ahead, that had previously been hidden behind me. Boats on the lake (where we could walk across last year!)

the vertigo photo! (yes it was that green right here, weird I know)
I'll take this view

After the cliffs, it's an easy trail. And no one was out! Early + hot = empty trails. I'll take it.

haha, nice ears on the bridge of death
another disdained trough...sigh...
It's a sparkly!

We were home before noon. I think Major was pleasantly surprised at our turn of trail. And even better, my trailer had already been parked by my great S.O. I think I could get used to this new perspective.


  1. What a cool ride. I'd love to ride from one place to another like that.

    1. It's nice to have a trailer driver! And access to so many trails.

  2. You are lucky to have a trailor transporter!
    Nevel and I saw that green lake too when we were out the other afternoon. At first I thought it was some kind of scum on the lake- so was glad to see it was simply the water!
    Looks like you had fun! I would have needed 9liters of water for that ride! Ha ha

  3. Bridge crossing ears are universal. They crack me up every time whether they're in front of me or in a photo. Such good horses to trust us over sketchy shit.

  4. This route never gets boring to me, but probably because I've never ridden it. Happy you are still sharing photos as you go :)

  5. I'm dreaming of doing it the other way around. Starting from home and walk as far as we can, than call the trailer driver and get picked up. So far a dream!
