
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

reaching spring

Only a week until the official start of Spring. Usually a time of lovely trail rides, clear skies, and flowers. This year…we have flowers. But intense late season storms have brought rain and crazy hail, keeping many of the trails a muddy mess, and overcast, gloomy days are not much fun to ride in. In California's Northern Sierra Nevada (yeah, I'm right in the middle of that) we're on the verge of breaking the record for the wettest year on record, less than 1 more inch needed! A little moderation would have been nice, but we'll take it.

But exploring must be done, because pretty things lurk even under the cloudy skies, next to overflowing waterways, and along rain-damaged trails. And sometimes the sun comes out too!

turkey tail fungus

my favorite orange friend

newt, time to move on

The trails have been hard hit this winter, I took a hike to see if one major trail had been cleared, and the trail crews had been hard at work!

way above the river

yeah for trail crews!

insect supervisor
At the bottom of the canyon it is a bit warmer, and there were more flowers to show for it. But the warm rocks were a good place for a snack and to just take in the view.

river wide

purple brodeia

california poppy

Darkling beetle better get off the trail!
Lucky to have access to so many trails, after exploring the middle American river, it was time to head into the valley. The lower American is guided by levees, so is more controlled, but still rushing and cold this time of year.

lupine abounds

unique flower

ever get the feeling you're being watched?

not all is soft and pretty: spiky but still lovely

After the drought, and epic rainfall, all the plants are so green, colorful and alive. It seems like it has taken so long to reach Spring this year, but finally nature is exploding all over. I think it is time to celebrate.

found, not made! Trail emoticon


  1. We do have a lot in common, more than most bloggers. Take a look at my post from today cuz I think my horse is channeling yours, in his expression.

    It's just your bug photos that separate us, I think: ) I'm terrified of bugs and I have a black scar on my leg from a spider bite from January, that still hurts. I've been to two doctors and had two tetanus shots and at least one doctor agrees that it's not a tick. It'll be nice if I don't lose that leg.

    I still look at Fashion it So, and love it. Did you go to conventions?

    1. I think Mag and Major would be fast friends, getting in trouble!

      I do love insects/arachnids/creatures. I love that we are surrounded by a whole secret world that helps feed us (bees), protect us (most spiders), and goes about life not caring that we are here. But being bit by a spider is no fun, I have a friend who has been dealing with a bone infection from a spider bite, so I understand your trepidation!

      Still love Fashion it So. Yes, I go to conventions (and yes, in uniform), though the last one was a few years ago, they're really fun!

  2. I love those newts. We have a bunch at our barn and I always stop to admire them.

    1. Oh, fun! We have a few canals and creeks that are filled a few weeks a year. My little orange buddies!

  3. Green! And flowers! And critters! All the best parts about spring.
