
Saturday, April 11, 2015

purple escape

lupine and granite

When you are sad, ride a horse and look at flowers.

two to beam aboard...

the lake creeping up

Add a friend and it's all a good day.

horse dwarfed by slabs of granite

The lupine this year is a little lacking. Three years of drought will do that! But it is still lovely. I don't know if the water will come up enough this year to cover the trail, but Major thinks it is very fun to play in!

a buzzard waits on the rock, probably for us to ride by and then fly up to startle the horses!

Major also thinks all things must be investigated for food. And found a few wisps of hay at the bottom of the trash can. My classy horse makes me smile.

happiness is leftovers


  1. It's still beautiful, even in drought. Don't linger long in sad. Major won't let you :)

  2. Your regular riding trails are sure pretty.
    Though our weather is warming, no sign of new green (much less flowers) yet.

  3. Don't be sad!! Looks like a beautiful day for a ride.

    Btw - I love your classy horse. He let's nothing get in the way of "horseing" :D

  4. What an incredible trail. Breath taking <3

  5. Love Purple.. anything purple makes me happy but then Purple with Green? Sure to bring a smile to your face.
    Your horse is such a clown. That photo of his head in the trash bin is too much. All i can think is , what if it got caught on his head???lol luckily it didn't!
