
Friday, February 7, 2014

good gray skies

I am reveling in raindrops on grass, new buckeye leaves, and the fresh smell of rain. Actual storms are rolling through the area, all the little birds finally out and about, it seems like nature has woken up.

raindrops with promise of green
new buckeye leaves

I love to take Major on misty walks. While the rain will melt him in his pasture, he doesn't mind geting wet on a walk. But puddles, now those are to be avoided at all costs, except on a ride, when they're different. Sigh...

take me to grass, slave girl...

mmm, blackberries

oh no, puddles all over!

must avoid puddles!

hiding behind the weeds, maybe she'll leave me out here in the grass

On a chilly rainy day, I give him some extra treats. He totally knows the blue bag. It has alfalfa. And works perfectly as a crack snack pack (fun sized!). Usually I just dump it on the ground, but sometimes he gets his nose in there too quickly!

Whatcha doing in there?

love the crack snack pack

useful blue bag (from a sunnier day)

So the rain will continue, and I have a weekend of no riding, which feels weird! Like regular winter! Last week I fit in a fast ride, a slow ride with friends, and a short ride, which is a good balance. This weekend I could catch up on some projects, instead I'm going to attend a local endurance seminar! It is hosted by Loomis Basin Equine (the vets for Tevis), and has an interesting line-up of speakers. I'm sure I'll be presented with way more info than I can comprehend. But I hope to learn something along the way, a good way to spend a rainy day.


  1. Isn't this rain divine! My horses look like mad wet cats at the moment but I am delighted by the deluge from the cozy insides of my living room, looking out ;-)

    Isn't it funny we want rain so badly then it arrives and just want to ride so badly then it will get sunny and we'll think about how much rain we need..well that green grass is getting greener at least literally now!

  2. So glad to hear you are getting rain! I wish I could send some of our precip your way - we have had more than our fair share.

  3. Ahhh, the blue bag. I ordered about 10 of them, and so far none have even made it to the barn because they are so darn useful around the house!
