
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

honestly? now?

What am I doing a week and a half before my first 50 of the season? A last training ride?

Nope. Cold hosing Major's swollen leg.

He has lived in the same pasture for years, no issues. Till I came early yesterday for a trim and ride, and discovered the 8 inch long gash running down his cannon bone onto the fetlock still oozing blood.

He didn't seem to notice or care as I cleaned it up, put some Well Horse on it (love that stuff) and walked him about. No lameness. No heat. No swelling. Yet.

Today the leg is a bit swollen, but no heat or tenderness. So no final rides for me this week, just healing thoughts.

In the grand scheme if things, this seems very small (seems that way right now). A fellow blogger Liz had a nasty accident at a ride last week, horses can and do everything to maim themselves.

But for now Major looks like he will heal in time, and I have to think that an extra ride or two this week would not give us that much more conditioning for the ride next week.

To be on the safe side we just got a shipment at work that included miles of bubble wrap packaging. Come over here Major...


  1. MAJOR! Shame on you! Your mother doesn't need stress like this. Its not fun for us humans!

    To which I'm sure Major's response is, "Grass? You feed me now? Every day? Without a ride?"

    I hope he heals up quick and without issue!

    ...and if you bubble wrap him I hope there will be photographic evidence. ;-)

    1. haha! Yes, that is exactly what Major would say!

  2. Aaaaggghhhh, frustrating! Sending fast-healing thoughts Major's way.

  3. Horses! If you need to find a needle in a hay-stack, all you need to do is send a horse in...
    I've had plenty of occasions where I was tempted to wrap my horses in bubble wrap - still haven't ruled it out after Minnie's recent adventure!

    Healing thoughts for Major

    1. Thanks! I scoured the pasture and can't even find where he did it!

      Bubble wrap horse wear, a million-dollar idea.

  4. Dag - that's a good one. Glad he's not hurt worse. So many horses getting hurt amongst our blogger friends these days... better go check on Val! ;D

  5. Well darn-sorry for you and Major.

  6. Skippy, Zoe and Sky send healing thoughts!!!

  7. Damn that sucks. Sorry about that happening, trust me this last few months I have been feeling the gimpy horse pain. If you do figure out a way to bubble wrap we need photos... and a demo clinic so that we too can bubble wrap our own. Just think, injury prevention and desensitization... lol.

    1. Yeah, I'm not complaining much, many more people (you included!) have been going through worse. I'll think about bubble wrap as this injury continues...

  8. Well damn! I hope it heals up promptly and cleanly. And I know Major will enjoy any additional snacks you throw his way, the poor guy ;)
