
Saturday, April 7, 2012

spring music and conversation

To the tune of "Peter Cottontail"
"Here comes Major black-of-tail,
Trottin' down the forest trail
Clippity cloppity
Spring is on the way."

Ok, I don't know any more lyrics to that one ( they're extensive, who knew?!) I'm more of a Little Bunny Foo Foo fan. I know the lyrics to that one! I think Major learns about as well as that corrupt rabbit.

Happy spring!
Oh Mom, this is mortifying.
Yeah, but it's fun, and silly. It is Spring and Eastertime, which is celebrated in many different ways. I celebrate Spring and eat too many treats, and didn't color any eggs this year...
What? Rabbit ears? Treats? Eggs?
Believe me Major, it is WAY too hard to explain...

If I'm a good horse I heard the Spring Horse comes and brings me a basket of treats, like apples and carrots and sugar cubes and plastic carrots filled with goodies...
Oh really? Where did you hear this, and have you been good?
Some passing horse told me. And well...I've tried to be good, does that count?
We'll see.

I got a basket!
You did?
The Spring Horse brought it!
Well, makes as much sense as anything else!

Have a great weekend, however you celebrate!


  1. I honestly can't decide what's cuter, Major's majorly pink ears or the plastic carrot full of treats!

    1. Major torments me, so turnabout us fair play! I think the ears will be an annual tradition!

      I love the plastic carrot! I'd never seen them before!

  2. I giggled at your song. Love hearing other rider's silly songs to their horses, it makes me feel a little less of a odd ball to occasionally get caught singing going down the trail. =D

    1. I've had little bunny foo foo stuck in my head for days! Major bears the torture of my singing, though I also like to recite random poetry I remember from high school...

  3. Loved this! Way cute!!
    No basket for Ziggy.....Hmmm a bad boy??

    1. He can share Major's, that is obviously too much for one horse ("oh no it's not!" says Major)

  4. I think the ears are rather dashing.

    1. Oh, I better not tell him that, he already thinks he's hot stuff!
