
Tuesday, June 6, 2023


I packed for our trip with all my usual worries: how would Miles do camping? Will he be ok on the high-tie? How about the group ride with so many horses? The anxiety is awful. I did this before every endurance ride (it never got better) and this wasn't even a competition!

I headed up to Georgetown's Dru Barner campground with Miles in my trailer, and also J's horse Amirah. We hadn't ridden together but talked a lot and I thought they'd be fine together. We'd already practiced teaching Amirah about the straight load trailer (which was a process!). I hate the drive, up and down the steep canyon in Auburn, then up to Georgetown and a small, windy road (complete with logging trucks) to the campground. But we arrived without incident, and a sigh of relief!

two horses, two high-ties, works great!

home sweet home (for the weekend)
The horses unloaded without a problem, the trailer was parked and Miles was more interested in his hay bag then any of the surroundings. A few times when trailers with horses would go by (or someone riding a fast horse) he'd jump around a bit on the high-tie, but otherwise took to it all like an old pro! Including dumping his entire huge water bucket while playing with it. Sigh…now the water bucket is strapped to the trailer!

Since we were there early, we decided to do a short ride on the "Enchanted Forest" five-mile loop. Since this was part of the ride the next day we figured it would be marked. It was not! But the Georgetown Divide Equestrian Trails Foundation who was putting on the ride had uploaded maps for Avenza, which worked great (when I looked at them…). The scotch broom (highly invasive and non-native but so very pretty) was putting on a yellow show, and the mountain misery was covered in tiny white blossoms (though it smells like cooking artichokes). This area burned a few years ago, opening up some views, which were gorgeous. I did not pay attention and took a wrong turn, so our five mile ride turned into seven, but we got back just fine. 

some great views!

view through scotch broom-filled trails

Miles and me though Amirah's ears

slopes filled with mountain misery plants

Miles prefers the snacks to the views
I rested and tried to relax, we took the horses for some walks, and I went to bed. Only of course to stay up most of the night thinking every clunk was Miles escaping, or hanging himself on the high-tie. But it was mostly him noisily eating and dunking his food into the water bucket (didn't know he liked to do that!). 

good morning sunshine, ready to go!

current tack set-up
There was no set time for the 12-mile riders to head out, just between 8am and 10am. There was also a 20-mile course (and the five-mile we did the day before, though it was in a different direction). I think we headed out about 9:15am, just walking, not catching up to the group ahead. My whole goal for the day was to keep Miles calm, see how he managed the groups, and mostly just leisurely walk/trot our way down the trails. I rode with J and Amirah, and switched leaders a lot. We passed a few slower walking groups, and slowed to let some faster-paced folks come by. Miles just watched them go by, not anxious, which was great. One group went by with very spirited (almost out-of-control) horses, and I swear he looked at them "that is way too silly, I'm not doing that." 

manzanita tree tunnel

yes, he drank from this gross puddle
We got to the halfway point where there was water and hay (and human snacks too). Miles drank, tried to eat everything in sight, and loved his small handler (who would hold your horse for you while you were getting snacks, restroom, etc.Very helpful!).
taken by a volunteer at the rest stop

our best helper!
We headed back out to finish our loop. Only at the last part did Miles get a bit strong, this was the part of the trail we'd done already so he knew we were going home. We'd just walk it or slow down the trot, he still didn't care if people passed us! We got back after a little over three hour ride (and half hour break). The ride wasn't easy with almost 1,400 feet of elevation gain, but since we'd taken it easy both horses looked great. Amirah was ready to go out again and did a lot of high-line dancing (her only camping had been years before at endurance rides) but Miles settled with his hay bag, while I cooled down and ate my camping food (Pringles! and PB&J).

damn, so yellow!

video still to see the views

walking and almost back to camp
Later there was a BBQ for all, and a raffle and music. I went down for the BBQ but didn't stay, because you know, people (it's just too many for me. I try to be social but totally fail and forget everyone's name even when I've met them multiple times). That night I slept a bit more, though I did wake up when Miles laid down (Imagining he's colicing and dying) but he was just resting. I didn't wake up when he untied himself! Luckily J (sleeping in her truck) did because Amirah was saying something was wrong. Miles had unclipped the emergency release and was over eating grass. J tied him back up. (The next morning his hay bag was empty, he was bored, and I watched him do it again. So now the emergency release has been relocated to where he can't reach, though I'm sure he'll try something).

just chillin' before bed (and awaiting a newly refilled haybag)

my BBQ friend, he was so cute!

what is he doing? The emergency release clip is in his mouth and he's untying it!
We trailered home on Sunday, the people tired, the horses seemed quite chipper! My trailer was a huge mess, so I cleaned it up this week…and planned another camping trip! This one is not an organized one but just with some friends. I was so very impressed with Miles' behavior on his first big campout, he seemed to like to hang out with all of us (he certainly talks a lot, like when he'd hear me in the camper), so I'm hoping for more successful adventures!

thanks Miles, my trailer needed that

let's go again!


  1. Looks like an amazing adventure! Happy to see Miles all grown up and treating mischief.

  2. How fun! We hope to get a little horse beach camping in this summer :)
