
Thursday, April 15, 2021

ride along to Auburn


why is this here?
Come with me as I scout the trail to Auburn! I haven't been this way for awhile, and it is less well traveled, so chances for trees being down and blocking the trail are high. We'll see!

This trail is known as the Pioneer Express Trail. It technically starts in Sacramento, but many of the lower parts have been paved as a bike trail, have major roads going across it, etc. This section is no bikes, only horses and hikers, due to the single-track and cliffs combination! This first part of trail is more mellow, following the lake, though technical and narrow. We started off seeing a stroller parked at the beginning of the trail! The people must have left it and gone hiking. We both think baby stuff is a bit scary!

green "rattlesnake gulch"

Damn, they still haven't fixed that hole.
There are some pretty tight spots on this single track trail. And what do we meet at one of those spots? Oh boy, two entire troops of scouts! With backpacks and clanky stuff attached, luckily they can back up a bit to where it is wide enough to pass, though we get the comments about Major's boots being Crocs, sigh…

signs says 9.8 miles to go

green grass and oak trees just leafing out

OK, let's move along a bit. Major really wants to go dashing out onto the rocks at Rattlesnake Bar to play in the lake. It is too low right now, sorry buddy, and we have to go on.

We pass Avery Pond and an entire family fishing and squealing about seeing a horse, no photos of that! The trail becomes a short gravel road to the PG&E hydroelectric station. Major is NOT a fan. It makes loud noises (like a giant fan), and now comes the bridge over a rushing creek that will sometimes be a torrent as they discharge water. There are no photos this time of this "bridge of death" because the water was very loud and Major was doing his best tap dancing impersonation.

loud power station

power station output is a little scary
I always remember this tree from the first American River Ride I did!
Then the trail is just lovely for a few miles. Rolling up and down, and into large switchbacks filled with greenery, then back to to views of the river. Saw one runner only! At one creek Major thinks we should turn around and tries balking and backing up. I think not! A little encouragement and we're past. Now what? Damn, a little tree I need to get off and move. No Major, this is not another excuse to go home, I can smush it down.

so lovely and green

this view doesn't get old

small tree we can luckily push down

Now, the trail gets a little dicey. It gets very rocky with very steep cliff drop offs for a bit. Don't look down if you don't like heights! Major and I have never been concerned about this section (except the one year we almost slid down, eek!) and just keep riding. I've distracted my friend C though this section many times! Major would happily trot through here, but we keep four on the floor and walk.

cliffy part, drops 100+ feet to the river below
Damn, now we're back near civilization. We've now passed three groups of hikers. We are almost to Oregon Bar and Major completely ignores the lovely creek and splashes across it. Oh, and now we scared two hikers who are not aware of their surroundings, arghh.

oregon bar rapids

We come off the river trail and head up the hill at Oregon Bar. Now Major chooses to drink out of the mud puddle. Sigh. We take the Cardiac bypass, then see our friends on the trail far below! I wondered if I'd see them as I knew they were riding here today. Now which way, the rocky trail or the road?

tasty mud puddle

friends far below

I let Major choose, and he chooses the road. What a weird horse. I understand though, because the trail is just round rocks that roll down the hill, and though short, Major hates it. Plus, there is a nice view from the road, and very few cars, then we cross a gate and it is just gravel with no car access, whee! Major certainly likes this part, and has maybe figured out the trailer is in Auburn and we aren't riding home?

up the steady road

a view up the canyon
Here is the spring trough, and wow, he actually drank! Then I ran into friend J walking her dog and talked a bit. But we're almost back and we're both antsy to be done. The trail goes below a skate park (ah, the sounds of nature) and then we're at the staging area. And there's the trailer! I forgot to take any photos as I untack, hose off Major, and let him eat the yummy grass.

finally drinks at the formerly scary trough

tasty neon grass on the trail

below the skate park and almost back
I was just about done when my friends came back. So Major was calling to his now best friend that he recognized, very annoying. I loaded him in the trailer, when S asked if she could just go home with me, as her other friend had picked her up from our stable. Sure! Now Major is happy with his friend in the trailer with him.

tasty grass after riding and a bath
Back home I turned out Major, and his friend, and both dropped for synchronized rolling (with 30+ year old Sal working in the arena behind us).  This coming weekend is the American River Classic, a long running endurance ride on these same trails. Safe trails to them, for me I preferred doing it alone at my own pace. Easier to take you on a ride along, and I think we had a great adventure!

synchronized rolling

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