
Friday, August 28, 2020

disaster fatigue

I'm am overwhelmed between covid new normal, heat wave, hometown area on fire (again), smoke inundating the area and not riding, so there is much complaining in the next few paragraphs!

yucky smoky skies

The amazing fire crews have a better handle on the Walbridge fire, caused by the crazy lightning storms, that was decimating the area near my hometown. Other areas are still under threat from the same lightning complex and damage assessment will begin. (A favorite state park, Big Basin, has all the infrastructure gone, though luckily the redwood trees are amazingly resilient!). And now hurricanes (luckily not here!). Flood, fire, plague…I'm afraid to ask what next?!

neat river rock lichen
manzanita bark

 The air quality has been terrible, and even when it doesn't smell like smoke there is so much particulate matter in the air I can't see the other side of the canyon one mile away. I thought the river air might be cleaner, but it is at the bottom of the canyon, and I was really wrong, it was worse! At least I was then cool and smoky, instead of so hot!

hiding under olive tree, not wanting to go home yet

my usual view

Major has been cantering up to the gate to meet me…all because he is desperate for a real ride. He drags me down the road as I tail him, but I can't handle more than about a mile of walking in the disgusting air. He seems fine, but I know strenuous activity is out (a walk is good for our mental health). We did a ride one evening when the air felt better, but I cut it short after half an hour, unable to breathe. He was very good after no riding for a week and a half, and only took off cantering in one sandy trail stretch where he just couldn't take it any more. I understand buddy!

smoky fire ball, sinking

It's been hard to find a silver lining, so why not re-watch British Bake Off? Such a pleasant show to lose yourself in, and I even finally tried one of the "basic" desserts, and it turned out amazing. Now layer cakes and strange icings and pastry are too much, but this was lemony-perfect. 

Mary Berry's Lemon Drizzle cake

The air quality is now in orange, and not red or purple warning, so I'm hoping in the next few days it will get even better I can can burn off some ennui on the trail.

from my favorite Edward Gorey series

And the sunrise was pretty. Sometimes it is the little things.


  1. I cannot even imagine. Unless, 1980 Mt St Helens, Seattle. No, really, I have no idea what it's like to live through the danger of smoke, and I keep thinking of those people who have lost everything. I keep thinking of people seeking desperately for their grandparents' photo albums. My husband told me it's in the German news.

    I thought *I* had a reason to stay indoors, with our heat and humidity. You have a serious health risk by opening a freaking window.


    1. aww, thank you! I really feel like I'm just whining, my house was safe this time and everyone I know is OK, but sometimes it is just a bit much.

  2. I hope it gets better soon and you and yours continue to be safe. We are all exhausted. I am so scared of November.

    1. yes, I think everyone has disaster fatique for sure. I agree, so scared of November, it's such a large fear I can't even think about it…

  3. So so scary :( I'm glad you guys are relatively safe, but I can imagine it would be exhausting to deal with all of this at the same time.

    1. Thanks. I think everywhere has their issues, I'm just tired and whiny of dealing with mine! Not riding makes me extra crabby, so that doesn't help the situation! Hoping for bluer skies soon…
