
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

cool stuff

While Major hid under his shelter for the last two weeks of rain (now a week of summer is upon us, love the strange spring), I was stir crazy and had to get out. Luckily, it wasn't too cold (well, except for the hike that included snow, hail, rain and sun, truly 4 seasons in one day), the flowers were out, and there is just cool stuff around here!

Cool stuff: like our wooden bridge! They are finally fixing this so the public can walk across it again (it has been years) but it is still fun to go explore. The original toll for a horseman: 50 cents!

Bridgeport Covered Bridge

amazing oak canopy
sunny portion of our 4-season day

The river runs clear one day, and muddy the next, depending on how much rain the region is getting. But the flowers are happy either way.

plain iris, still pretty.

brilliant shooting star wildflowers

I think this is Forget me Not
now for crazy: California Pipevine flower! I see a rooster.

And the green! While the groundcover hasn't caught up yet, the ferns are happily soaking up the rain.

green tree fingers reaching
happy tiny tree ferns

There is always something to find when exploring, from the largest to smallest. I honestly never get tired of crawling in the dirt taking a photo of a flower, or listening to the river rushing by. Or just finding something cool and unusual along the trail. Find anything good lately?

eyeball rock is watching you


  1. My mother always looks out for stones in heart shape. If you find a stone shaped like this it is a sign that my father, her husband, is watching us. Sad and happy at once ...
