
Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Current events weighed too heavily…so I ran away. Clear skies, epic views, hard hiking, clearing my mind at 8500 feet.

clear Tahoe water at Skunk Harbor

feeling small

in the end, at 8500 feet, the snow was much deeper

far above Tahoe near Maggies Peak

Desolation wilderness view

Hiking in golden fields under dying light. Fast rides on quickly greening trails. Warm mash on damp days. New green grasses.

an afternoon hike

muddy river after rain

low lake epic views

the messy face mash aftermath

deep green grasses

I'm still overwhelmed. But focusing on the smaller things. And so thankful for having them.


  1. I share your sense of overwhelming . . . (insert word here).

    1. yes. Running away and hiding from it is not the most adult thing to do, but it was all I could manage...

    2. I hear you. I think we are all hiding.

  2. Funder sent me a Keep Tahoe Blue sticker and I've been pondering where to stick it since 2011, until this week when I moved in to a big barn and was given a large tack locker, and I see that people decorate them, so.....

    I've never seen Tahoe but I'm gonna advertise it in Germany. I'm determined cuz I've seen enough pics of it to like it.

    Also your horse has the best ears in blogland.

    1. Fun! You must rectify never seeing Tahoe, it is spectacular.

      and Major appreciates the compliment, his ears are mighty expressive!

  3. Thanks for sharing those views, and I totally understand the need to escape sometimes...Can I come visit your area?!

    1. come visit anytime, I'd love to be a tour guide!
