
Friday, May 27, 2016

adventure orange

A new adventure this weekend calls for:

New tires for my orange hubcaps.
(Expensive, but important. And at least I found a positive spin on not driving a fancy Corvette: the guy in front of me paid $562 per tire!)

Orange boots for Major.
My messy attempt at gluing for our fun ride this weekend (I needed some practice, this is a perfect event for it)

And a whole lotta orange embarrassment.
Animal cruelty? Or just completely hysterical? You decide (Major isn't particularly amused...)

Off to adventure! Everyone have a great weekend!


  1. Love all the orange! Have fun! :D

  2. how can a tire cost that much? please explain!

    major loves a carrot-themed outfit. keep going with the carrots: )

    1. No idea on the tire! My trailer tires were just about $100 each, but I know my truck tires are much more. But not corvette priced!

  3. Love all the orange! And I almost got the exact same fly mask for Quest but they don't fit her little petite face ):

    1. Major has a hard to fit head: arab nose but almost too large for horse mask ears! This one fits ok, I'm able to tighten the nose. Plus, the ears! He looks like a demented rabbit...
