
Sunday, March 13, 2016

weekend wanderings

“The rain to the wind said,
You push and I'll pelt.'
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged--though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.”
—Robert Frost

A few days of rain are OK. A few more make me anxious and antsy (and why I could never live in the beautiful Pacific NW). I entertained myself around the house for a bit: looking at the weeping cherry tree blossoms, all the weeds this rain will make sprout how I won't have to water for awhile, staying positive. That didn't last long.

blossoms dampened


Then I worked on a recent craft project: making pretty little tags. I have way too many craft projects, this one came about because a friend gave me a little tag she bought. I loved it. I could have ordered a couple more. Instead I decided MAKE ALL THE THINGS and bought all the stuff to make them myself. For way more money than just buying a couple more. But highly entertaining.

make and label all the things!

The rain went from torrential to just drizzly, and I figured the trail was a slippery mess but put on my waterproof shoes anyway and headed out. And found my long lost friends! Orange, amphibian friends! Love that every year they return and make walking along the canal a careful trek.

river filling up

hey dude, where ya going?

look at that face!

wait, come back!

see ya later

I could stay out all day playing with the salamanders (carefully, they're sturdy but still little guys. They're also highly toxic, but only if you injest them!). I also found a trove of mushrooms, but have no idea about the varieties, so won't be picking any of those anytime soon. Just at the end of the walk, the sunset broke through the clouds. Hope on the horizon.

canal and trail panorama

mmmm, now I want pizza.

sunset breaking through gray clouds


  1. Great pics! Not sure if I've introduced myself here before but I've been following along for a few months. I grew up in western NC and we have those little orange salamanders as well. Happy spring & happy trails!!

    1. welcome Julie! I love the little orange alien invaders. Hopefully when the rain stops I'll be able to get out and enjoy the trails, hope you do too!

  2. Why is it, that we find such a strange face and creature friendly? I love this pic! And I'm a little bit jealous of your environment, no funny creatures here. Soon I will meet slugs and even more slugs. Argh!

    1. They are little liens among us. Do you not have any lizards there? I would be sad. I even kind-of like big slugs, I took some photos of them on another walk!
