
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tahoe Rim blues

So where did this go wrong?

I've been in a bit of a funk since my Tahoe Rim pull. My last pull (Wild West) was my own boot gluing failure. That I can live with. This time I actually broke my horse. And was the only pull.

While he doesn't show any lameness now (and was fine a few hours after the pull), I do want to give him a few weeks off and do a longer ride to see if there is actually a problem. He was also not done at the ride, pulsing in immediately, all As…except for gait. Damn. Then we had to wait a long time (understandably, it's a hard-to-access vet check) and Major was NOT happy that we were not moving down the trail. Spinning, calling, I just tied him to a tree and let him dance around...for hours. (Hopefully if his leg was injured he didn't do any more to it!)

Where are my friends? If I keep calling maybe someone will answer!
Where did they go? I'm ready, I'm ready!

I am second-guessing everything: Is this from my minimal training lately? We hadn't done more than 12 miles at a time, maybe more miles would have brought up this issue (whatever is it/was)? Or was there just a rock with our name on it?

Don't laugh at my sideburns, I get halter rubs. Call me "Wolverine."

It also doesn't help that I came back to chaos at work. And fire burning down the canyons. My brain is tired and full.

So I'll reevaluate later. For now something a little different. Saturday I am taking a friend who has never even seen a horse up close to meet Major. He better be on his best behavior! I don't think he's the type to give pony rides on, but he likes to be brushed and likes apples, which should be enough for both of us.

onward...another day.


  1. Mysterious lameness is SUCH a hard pull (mentally, for the human). I wish I had something more intelligent to say other than "It happens to everybody, even the great riders on the great high-mileage horses." Yall look lovely in the action shot on the sand road! He's got legs for days.

    1. awww, thanks. Just having a small pity party for myself, I appreciate it! I love the action shot, I mainly love a great heel-first landing!

  2. I always admire Major's long legs too. Lameness sucks and I feel your pain. It took me forever to figure out Rose's mystery lameness and I'd wish that on no one. I hope all calms down at work and you get a chance to check up on your boy.

    PS, the sideburns are cute!

    1. It has been great following your story, and seeing Rose getting better. I've been too busy to comment, but hope it keeps going well. I know that you're like me: we've got one horse that means the world, and that we want to ride for years and years.

  3. Great photo's-poor Major looks so pitiful not being able to continue-no doubt reflecting your own feelings.
    An NO you did not break your horse! Hopefully it WAS just a case of a Rock with your name on it!
    Time to spit nails for a spell! Hopefully everything will work out soon!

    1. Major is VERY good at looking pitiful, when he wants something (like to keep going!)

  4. There's something in the air.... Hope things look up for you guys soon!

    1. Yeah, one of those months. Hope I see improvement, and you too! Hope Major and Cartman are both burning up the trails soon.

  5. Lameness sucks. Period. I've had more than my share lately it seems and if I never felt a lame step again I'd be overjoyed, but that just doesn't happen in the world of horses no matter how hard we try.

    Hugs and hopes for a sound ride soon! And a fire under control :/

  6. Such a bummer, but DAMN what a STRIDE on him!
