
Monday, December 17, 2012

a major award

Look, my major (Major?) award! I love it.

I'm glad I kept playing the Big Bad Bloggers Distance Race. I already track my miles, it just took updating my profile one a month.

And I came in second! Of two people, whoo hoo! (Congrats Rafikah Rose first place, and Redheaded Endurance, first place Pioneer division). And thanks to Endurance Granny for organizing it all.

Hey, it's a cool award. And a trophy! I haven't won one those since I was showing rabbits in 4-H. Have to be careful, it could be fra-gee-lay...

But not as cool as a leg lamp.


  1. Hey, it's the first trophy I've won since I was in elementary school... unless you consider one top ten award of a book bag? Yay Major for giving me some competition. If Rose's lameness had hit one month earlier you would have caught us.

    1. Congrats again. If Major hadn't had the 4 weeks off from his splint, we might have caught ya! 8-)
